Posted in Personal Thoughts, Religion

Creating a New You

Doubtless, many thoughts on the New Year and resolutions are focused on losing weight (or at least healthier eating) and exercising routines.  And I must confess that I too am planning to get a new start in both of those areas.  These are definitely two important aspects that we should consider and incorporate into our lives.  Yet, the message can’t be repeated enough that it is not the outside of the person that matters the most – it is what is inside that counts.

In Psalm 51:10 David implores, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” 

Predictably, we approach the beginning of a new year with a vision of a new slate, and hope for a fresh start in various aspects of our being.  Like David, we want to start anew with an unsullied past free of past burdens, mistakes, and regrets.  It is appropriate that a popular symbol of the new year is a baby in a diaper.  It’s hard to find anything more pure and sinless than a new baby.  Additionally on the first day of the year, we feel a new charge of energy – a surge of that youthful vigor we remember from our childhood. 

Yet, my exhortation to you this year is to remember this feeling, this hope, this surge of vigor does not have to be relegated only to January 1st of every year.  With David, we can pray for a pure heart and renewed spirit on a daily basis.  Remember every day can be a chance to start over with our failed dreams, missed chances, and words spoken in haste to others.  The sun rises every morning and God waits and stands ready to Forgive, Inspire, and Love.  Take Him up on His offer and then turn and offer the same to others in your life as well.   

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