Posted in Personal Thoughts

Closing the Page on 2020

As I sit here with the few waning hours of 2020 winding down, I had a few thoughts I want to share. I know many of us have said we can’t wait for this year to be over and have even jokingly talked about how this will be the year we never speak of again. Totally understandable feelings considered what we collectively as a society have experienced this year. But let me offer a different perspective. Let me first say, I am not forgetting or downplaying any of the tragic loss of life or severe financial struggles anyone has experienced this year especially in regards to the ongoing pandemic. But as we move forward let’s not forget that this year has also been peppered with blessings if we only take time to look for them. Babies have been born this year. Couples have been married this year. Announcements of babies to be born soon have been made. Let’s not “erase” this year and only speak ill of it for these people’s sake at least. Don’t let them go through life only hearing that this special milestone year in their life is a horribly evil time of history. On the Macro level we have seen a lot of division and strife this year and it is undeniable that we have a lot of issues that still need to be addressed and worked on. Yet, we have also seen, on a Micro level, a lot of pulling together of community and reaching out to neighbors and strangers to lend a helping hand during this difficult time. This year, there has been a renewed recognition of respect for the hard working people who often go un-noticed and under-appreciated. We’ve realized who in society is really “essential”. I have heard “Thank You for what you all do” said to me and my fellow healthcare workers more this year than perhaps all my other years combined. Same has been said for retail workers, truck drivers, and other service type industries who need to be respected more for their hard work. Again, for all those mourning lives lost, my prayers are with you. Yet, even there, there is a silver lining for some of them. This is the year their loved ones who died in faith met their Savior face to face. Heart-breaking for those left behind. A time of pure rejoicing for those who received their reward. So, as we put this year to bed and strike out in 2021, let’s remember every year contains challenges and blessings. Every year offers us opportunities to learn and grow from both. Let’s join together and remember the lessons that this year has taught us about the things in our lives that are truly important. Happy New Year to all. May God Bless us Everyone!

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