Posted in Book Review


The underground railroad : a novel by Colson…

Whitehead takes us on an unconventional journey through a bleak time of history in the United States. Although he uses the factual backdrop of a period of slave-owning times, he reimagines and creates an alternative landscape in which to tell Cora’s story. Cora, a slave on a plantation in Georgia, is asked by another slave named Caesar to attempt an escape via the Underground Railroad. The factual part of the story resides in the accounts of the violence and inhuman treatment of the slaves at the hands of their owners, the slave-catchers, and all others who have a hatred of black people. Yet, the story veers off into a different world in various ways with the foremost being the fact that the Underground Railroad is here conceived as an actual railroad system built in underground tunnels running from South to North. Additionally, the several stops Cora makes along her travels from station to station and her experiences living in those are not factual to the histories of those places during this time period. Yet, it is within this re-imagined landscape where Whitehead is able to explore and examine various attitudes and treatments that history in a longer period has thrust upon (or attempted to thrust upon) minorities both here and throughout the world. Among these are forced sterilization, genocide, and re-settlement of their “own kind” in certain established areas.

For me, one of the most poignant parts of the book was when we find out what happened to Cora’s mother, herself a runaway slave who escaped when Cora was young. Cora never finds the answer to that mystery and her feelings of abandonment play a big part in the person she becomes. Although the overall narrative highlights the brutality of the slave experience, Whitehead also weaves in the truth that cruelty and kindness are not linked to one’s skin color. We see a hierarchy among the slaves wherein some perpetuate violence within their own ranks, while others go to great lengths to look out for the weak within their own population. Likewise, we have depictions of white owners whose actions make our blood boil, whereas we also see those among the white population who risk their own lives to help those traveling on the underground railroad.

It is difficult to state that a book such as this was a pleasurable or enjoyable read due to the horrific portrayals of violence found within it. Yet, I can say it is definitely a worthwhile read. It can seem a little disjointed in the way the narrative voice switches from person to person and sometimes from time period to time period. But, Whitehead ultimately weaves all these voices in so that at the last disembarkation from the railroad everything has fallen into place.

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Posted in Personal Thoughts

Here We Go Again

Once again I sit here with the lofty goal of resurrecting this blog that I started way back in 2008. This is not my first resurrection attempt and I can’t promise it will be the last, though I am hoping I can stay more dedicated to it this time.

The following excerpt from the About Me page explains my goals for this site:

As you can probably tell, this site is still under construction so my plans for what I want it to look like and what I intend to discuss may vary as time passes by.  However, at this point I hope a major portion will remain dedicated to my love of books and reading – so I will share what I have read, what I am reading, and what I hope to read along with insights into how particular books have shaped my thinking.  I hope to also share some of my own writing (poems, essays, short stories) for those of you who may be interested.  And I am sure that it is inevitable that I will occasionally begin to pontificate about current events and the goings-on in the news.

My main reason for returning to this site came about because people are always asking for something good book to delve into because they know I love to read. I feel honored that people trust my opinions and recommendations, however as I have gotten a little age on me I have more trouble recalling in the moment some of my latest reads and new favorite authors. I wanted to get back to this site to at least update my reading lists so I can direct those queries to a helpful location. I don’t guarantee that everything I have read is necessarily a good or great book. I tend to be one of those saps who finishes what they start no matter what because I feel like I would insult the author to not do so. I know, I know. They would never know the difference, but that’s just how I am. I will do my level best to begin writing book reviews again so I can better steer seekers to the reads that are more deserving. At the least, I hope to develop some sort of grading/starring system to help highlight the best of the best. Until then, feel free to just ask or message me about a particular title that sparks your interest and I’ll give you my feedback.

Hope you enjoy tagging along with me on my Reading and Writing journey and sharing aspects of your own.

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